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How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Learn how to balance your hormones naturally, so you can increase your metabolism and lower your risks of developing diseases. Here’s how you can do that.

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How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally and Live the Best Life

1. Know the Different Types of Hormones

You can learn how to balance your hormones effectively when you understand them better.

Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by the glands of the endocrine system. They tell other chemicals and organs how to function.

Some of these hormones include:

Each of these hormones has specific jobs. Insulin transports glucose to cells for creating energy or fuel.

Sex hormones are essential for the development of primary sexual characteristics in both men and women, which includes fertility.

These hormones can also interact with one another. Thyroid hormones can bind to nuclear receptors, stimulating growth hormone production.

2. Pay Attention to the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

One of the critical natural ways to balance hormones is to know the signs of hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal imbalance occurs when your body produces more or less of a chemical. It can be due to factors such as aging, diet, and lifestyle.

The symptoms of hormonal imbalance can also vary depending on the affected hormones.

Men with low testosterone levels may have low libido and sperm count. High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain.

A slow metabolism and brain fog can be signs of a sluggish thyroid or hypothyroidism. Hot flashes and vaginal dryness usually indicate low estrogen levels, especially during menopause.

An endocrinologist can diagnose your hormone issues and teach you how to balance your hormones naturally. He/She can recommend the best tests to measure hormone levels.

3. Exercise

Brisk walking for 30 minutes a day or cycling for an hour can already do wonders in balancing your hormone levels. They can keep your insulin in check by using glucose efficiently.

Exercise is also essential if you have hypothyroidism. It helps support weight loss despite a slow metabolism.

Poor hormone levels can affect your mood and behavior. Low thyroid hormones may increase your feelings of anxiety or mood swings.

When you exercise, you produce neurotransmitters in the brain like endorphins. Also, exercising outdoors in the morning can increase your vitamin D levels.

4. Eat a Hormone-Balancing Diet

What’s exercise without a proper diet? What and how you eat is vital in learning how to balance your hormones naturally.

Here are some tips:

What is insulin resistance? It is a metabolic condition where cells are less sensitive to insulin, thus glucose. It is a risk factor for diabetes.

5. Don’t Use Plastics

Many things can impact your hormone health, and these include plastics. These can contain chemicals like phthalates and bisphenols.

These substances can act as endocrine disruptors, preventing your hormones from working properly. This is especially true with thyroid hormones.

Ditch the plastic and instead use glass, beeswax paper, and cloth bags as containers. These are good for your hormone health and the environment.

RELATED: Growth Hormone Deficiency In Adults: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

6. Get Some Sleep

Chronic stress can eventually lead to chronic inflammation. This condition increases your risk of insulin resistance.

Higher cortisol levels can also affect the production of progesterone, which regulates menstrual cycles. It can block progesterone receptors, causing infertility problems.

Eating healthy fats or diet and exercising can only do so much to balance energy and hormones. To learn how to balance hormones naturally, follow a sleep schedule.

Cortisol works with the body’s circadian rhythm or your internal clock. That’s why it fluctuates at different times of the day.

Aim to sleep between seven and nine hours. Proper sleep hygiene can also enhance your sleep quality.

Limit or cut off access to mobile devices at least an hour before you sleep. If you want to exercise, perform low-impact ones.

7. Consume Adaptogens

You can also learn how to balance your hormones naturally with adaptogens. These are foods and herbs that help your body cope with stress.

Ashwagandha, for instance, can reduce high cortisol and blood sugar levels, according to a 2012 study.

Maca may boost estrogen and progesterone levels and help menopausal women dealing with low libido or sex drive.

8. Quiet Your Mind

If you’re always alert, hyper, or anxious, you may already have too much adrenaline.

Adrenaline is another stress hormone that regulates your fight-or-flight response. It helps produce cortisol and manages your energy.

Excessive amounts of it can lead to mood swings and even fatigue as you deplete energy.

To balance this hormone, quiet your mind. Pursue calming activities for at least ten minutes every day.

These can include meditation, knitting, reading, yoga, and music. You can also do mental exercises to boost your cognition.

9. Consider a Personalized Treatment Plan

When it comes to learning how to balance hormones naturally, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Just because someone is undergoing hormone therapy doesn’t mean you should do, too.

It’s always best to have your own wellness or treatment plan to balance hormone levels. Companies such as LIV Health can do that for you.

In this process, you go through different tests to measure your hormone levels. Doctors also assess other aspects of your health, such as mood and metabolism.

Based on the results, they can develop a personalized plan covering diet, physical activity, and weight and stress management. They keep track of your progress and modify the program as your hormone levels improve.

Learning how to balance your hormones can be tricky. On the bright side, these tips set you on the right path to optimal health.

Do you have tips on how to regulate hormones naturally? Share them in the comments section below!

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