5 Easy Breath Control Techniques To Calm Anxiety

Anxiety and stress can affect us all. Different breathing techniques can help you calm when you’re feeling anxious. Read on to learn more about 5 breathing techniques that can help you relax! RELATED: Is The Best Medicine Breathing & Anxiety Symptoms of Dyspnea 5 Breathing Techniques Deep Breathing 4 Seconds Breathing Coherent Breathing Nostril Breathing […]
10 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Increase Healthspan

Benefits of Gentle Yoga 10 Gentle Yoga Exercises To Increase Longevity Halasana Salamba Sarvangasana Virabhadrasana 2 Utkatasana Vrksasana Viparita Karani Reverse Arm-Hold Tadasana Parivrtta Sukhasana Garudasana Arms Benefits of Gentle Yoga Gentle yoga has many benefits, regardless of your age. When you’re first starting to do yoga, it’s smart to start slow, and then as […]
Why Tai Chi Is Good For You

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art for defense that is also practised for its health and meditation benefits. Read on to learn more! RELATED: Lifestyle Factors That Promote Health And A Longer Lifespan In this article: What Is Tai Chi? What Are The Benefits Of Tai Chi? 10 Easy Tips To Do Tai Chi […]
5 Tips To Have More Energy and Better Mood At Any Age

Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean we will become weaker. Different things can help us have better energy and be in a better mood regardless of our age! Read on to learn more about how to have more energy and a better mood! RELATED: Boost Energy All Day With These 17 Power Foods In this article: […]
Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Everyone knows the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine,” but did you know that it’s not just a saying, but it’s a fact? Read on to learn more about its scientifically proven health benefits! RELATED: Lifestyle Factors That Promote Health And A Longer Lifespan In this article: Laughter Laughter Protects Your Heart Laughter Reduces Stress […]
Telemedicine In The Age of Coronavirus: Benefits + Impact

Telemedicine usage has tripled since the coronavirus pandemic became a global issue. Read on to learn more about the benefits and impacts of telemedicine. RELATED: What Is Telehealth And How Does It Improve Your Healthcare? In this article: What Is Telemedicine? Telemedicine in the Age of Coronavirus What Is Telemedicine? Telemedicine is the distribution of […]
Foods That Cause Bloating (And What To Do About It)

Avoiding foods that cause bloating can prevent the discomfort of this common ailment. Read more to find out more about the foods that cause bloating. RELATED: Why Am I Gaining Weight: 7 Underlying Causes In this article: What Is Bloating? FODMAPs And Bloating Legumes Cause Bloating Bloating Caused By Grains And Cereals Fruits And Veggies […]
5 Reasons Why Spring Cleaning Is Good For Your Health

Spring cleaning is something we all do. Put away the winter clothes, air out your home, and prepare for the upcoming season. But there are more benefits to spring cleaning! Read on to find out more about the health benefits of spring cleaning! RELATED: Easy Ways To Boost Immunity Right Now In this article: Why […]